#8687022 - 06/09/16 02:15 AM
Re: Running/Cardio Thread
[Re: Sir Ironpool]
pathetic sad bitch.
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Registered: 01/23/12
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Wewt, nice job Ryan! I noticed that SD half course is 260' net downhill, it's kinda PR friendly methinks?
general douchebaggery
#8687025 - 06/09/16 02:46 AM
Re: Running/Cardio Thread
[Re: schtickaz.ai]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 12/11/02
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Loc: The OC
Hell no Stickaz. 
Some of the hills require serious effort IMHO. But the route is great and the crowd supportive.
Ryan - No worries! It was a crazy morning no doubt. (I was wearing black and red.) That's cool you ran into Meb. Probably missed him as he blew past me by Mile 2. 
Next time...
09 CWP MS3 01 Echo 5MT 00 EBP Si - Sold - Pics89 Camaro - Sold CSI. What's your diversion?
#8687336 - 06/09/16 11:20 AM
Re: Running/Cardio Thread
[Re: Design]
Registered: 10/13/01
Posts: 818
Loc: Gilbert, Az
Thanks guys, it really was a lot of fun.
Ironmom: I think the course layout was a bit different this year, the full finished at Ash/Columbia in downtown (at least I think it's downtown).
Design is spot on about the course. There were quite a few rolling hills that weren't all that bad (considering I have almost 0 hill experience training in the Phoenix area). For every slowdown on the uphills, I'd more or less make it up on the downhills.
It really felt like I was all over the place pace-wise during the race, but looking at my official splits: 5km: 22:24, --7:13 pace 10km: 44:48, --7:13 pace 10mi: 1:11:57 --7:12 pace I guess I had things pretty well averaged out.
A couple of the downhills were the kind where it starts out really helping, but about 1/4 of the way down you realize it's too much and have to start braking so you don't trip over your own feet (at least I did). Maybe if you were capable of a sub 5:00 pace at miles 9.5 and 11 you could take full advantage, but I couldn't do it.
#8687384 - 06/09/16 11:53 AM
Re: Running/Cardio Thread
[Re: SJP0tato]
pathetic sad bitch.
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#8687402 - 06/09/16 12:08 PM
Re: Running/Cardio Thread
[Re: schtickaz.ai]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 12/11/02
Posts: 11514
Loc: The OC
Yeah there was that one area in particular that had a fairly steep downhill. Had to ram the brake on the running chair for good measure (in addition to my own lol).
Wasn't paying attention to the markers but I think it was around mile 9 (?).
09 CWP MS3 01 Echo 5MT 00 EBP Si - Sold - Pics89 Camaro - Sold CSI. What's your diversion?
#8687420 - 06/09/16 12:25 PM
Re: Running/Cardio Thread
[Re: schtickaz.ai]
Registered: 10/13/01
Posts: 818
Loc: Gilbert, Az
I'm not saying the hills were monstrous or anything, just that there's some uphills along with the down that make it not a perfect PR course (still not bad for it).
When I think of a PR course, I picture something like the Phoenix Marathon course profile:
#8687488 - 06/09/16 01:02 PM
Re: Running/Cardio Thread
[Re: SJP0tato]
pathetic sad bitch.
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#8687542 - 06/09/16 01:40 PM
Re: Running/Cardio Thread
[Re: schtickaz.ai]
I'm not saying you didn't have a great race or anything, but the course is a net downhill and for people like shalane and cragg that set new PRs there (1:07/1:09 respectively) they aren't being counted due to the net downhill-ness. I know I'm slow and sad but the climb in the beginning out of the park is 100' lol, I hate hills more than anyone trust me but come on dude haha  Like for comparison here's the one I did 2 months ago, GAP adjusted probably slowed me by 3 mins and that might be pessimistic, probably less...And yes I whined for days about the hills and were terrified of them (still am tbh) but come on, they're manageable if you hit them with a plan (slow!)  Here the super flat one I do which is arguably a slower course than SD since it's not a net downhill   I believe that's the flattest course in the RnR series heh
#8687599 - 06/09/16 02:16 PM
Re: Running/Cardio Thread
[Re: Sir Ironpool]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 12/11/02
Posts: 11514
Loc: The OC
Ironmom laying the smackdown.
09 CWP MS3 01 Echo 5MT 00 EBP Si - Sold - Pics89 Camaro - Sold CSI. What's your diversion?
#8687701 - 06/09/16 02:59 PM
Re: Running/Cardio Thread
[Re: schtickaz.ai]
Sir Ironpool
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#8687719 - 06/09/16 03:05 PM
Re: Running/Cardio Thread
[Re: Sir Ironpool]
pathetic sad bitch.
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Registered: 01/23/12
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yea I hear good things about Santa Rosa /also
but if theres a marathon I'd be less interested in running than the notorious LA marathon I cant imagine where it would be. Saudi Arabia?
general douchebaggery
#8687750 - 06/09/16 03:25 PM
Re: Running/Cardio Thread
[Re: schtickaz.ai]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 12/11/02
Posts: 11514
Loc: The OC
LA can be a brutal b*tch in March. Seems it's either excessive rain or heat every year. 
There are a couple of nasty hills on the course. One at mile 4 at Disney Concert Hall. And the heartbreaker at mile 21 as you go under Wilshire and up to the Vet Center. What makes the course worth it, is the crowd support and the gentle downhill from Mile 23-26.
09 CWP MS3 01 Echo 5MT 00 EBP Si - Sold - Pics89 Camaro - Sold CSI. What's your diversion?
#8692634 - 06/13/16 05:01 PM
Re: Running/Cardio Thread
[Re: SJP0tato]
Sir Ironpool
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Registered: 03/12/01
Posts: 71803
Loc: Long Beach, CA
Had a great experience at the Shadow of the Giants 50k up near Yosemite on Saturday.
Loaded up the tent trailer and the wife/kids on Friday afternoon and pulled into our RV park campsite in Oakhurst (10 miles from the race location) at about 10pm. All set up and in bed by 11:30, then up at 5:30. Ate a donut, drank a Diet Coke, taped the nipples, and my wife drive me to the start. Beautiful little private camp in a meadow with a nice warm indoor waiting area and plenty of non-portable bathrooms. 
RD said go a few minutes after 7. First 3 miles are all uphill on a jeep road, but not so steep that you couldn't jog it. Felt good and made quick work of the long descent and climb back out on the out and back section. Found myself pretty much alone except for passing the 20k runners till we crossed a river then jumped onto some beautiful singletrack that had us climb up over some ridges before dropping down into Nelder Grove which has some amazing giant sequoias. I did have to make an emergency poop stop when my stomach started cramping, which cost me a few minutes and the discomfort of wiping with handfuls of pine needles. 
Nutrition was similar to Way Too Cool back in March...one bottle that I filled with G2 at the start, then it was just water, salt chews, and Coke the rest of the race. I did take a couple ibu's late in the race for some minor back pain I was having, but that was it. Felt fantastic all morning long.
From mile 21-25 it's a very gentle climb on a logging road, then it's a few downhill miles on the same road before the final 1/2 mile on some amazing sigletrack to the finish. The guys at the mile 25 AS told me I was top 15 and that the next guy was about 5 minutes ahead. I figured that was too far to worry about catching, so I just focused on moving efficiently. I had a goal of 4:30, and I was close, but knew I would have to hustle. In the last mile of road section I was catching a glimpse of a guy a little ways ahead. As soon as I jumped onto the last bit of trail, he was leaning up against a tree trying to fight off some cramps. I yelled "hang in there bro" did a sweet jump off a log in front of him, and sprinted to the finish.  Crossed in 4:32 (damn poop stop!) and 15th OA out of 123 finishers. Lots of fast old guys and I was 5th or 6th in my AG. What I'm really happy about is how I felt in the last miles and after the race. We went back to camp, I washed off in the river, then we went on a family hike. No soreness, no pain. I ran 4 miles on Sunday and 11 today. Gives me some confidence in my training for AC. Silver Rush 50 mile is coming up in 3.5 weeks, which will be another good fitness test.
Finish line shot courtesy Mrs. Ironmom.
#8692642 - 06/13/16 05:08 PM
Re: Running/Cardio Thread
[Re: Sir Ironpool]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 12/11/02
Posts: 11514
Loc: The OC
As I said in the FB thread that's a great time man. Sounds like your body is fully hardened to the mileage (no homo).
I'm also a huge fan in getting the family involved in our races. Sounded like a great trip!
09 CWP MS3 01 Echo 5MT 00 EBP Si - Sold - Pics89 Camaro - Sold CSI. What's your diversion?
#8707641 - 06/27/16 11:23 AM
Re: Running/Cardio Thread
[Re: Sir Ironpool]
Sir Ironpool
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Loc: Long Beach, CA
#8711178 - 06/30/16 11:28 AM
Re: Running/Cardio Thread
[Re: Sir Ironpool]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 12/11/02
Posts: 11514
Loc: The OC
Still here. Still running with the club. Averaging about 20 mile weeks.
Your photos on FB suggest some challenges along the course. Hoping for the best.
09 CWP MS3 01 Echo 5MT 00 EBP Si - Sold - Pics89 Camaro - Sold CSI. What's your diversion?
#8711252 - 06/30/16 12:31 PM
Re: Running/Cardio Thread
[Re: Impulsive]
Risky Business
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Registered: 05/17/10
Posts: 46141
Haven't done shit since April due to renovations on the house, that's my primary exercise at the moment. No bike, run, or weights 
Weight is same, will try to get out on the bike this weekend though.
#8716005 - 07/06/16 11:30 AM
Re: Running/Cardio Thread
[Re: Risky Business]
pathetic sad bitch.
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 01/23/12
Posts: 36590
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update: training falling off the wagon a bit overall since my last tri of the year last month where I scored my first DNF. Had a week of vacation that was supposed to include a ~8k vert hike but thunderstorms got in the way.
first marathon in 3 weeks and I havent gone over 13/14 miles in a long run since like Feb? lol. I dont even want to look...
I'm oddly confident I'll be ok tho/no walking. The 18'ers I've done I've usually felt fairly strong near the end. Of course, the real shit show is past 20 they say and I'm a complete newb. Well I'm planning on doing 1 or 2 tops in the 16-18 mile range and then having a nice 2 week taper.
Got my wave # and start time [wave 5 of 8 lol slow], so I guess it's comforting to know I'm starting in the back half. Shouldnt have the feel of being constantly passed I guess :p
Maybe I'll just keep the 4:00 pace group in sight, but I dunno. Kinda hoping to just survive. Roughly I'm targetting 1:58 for the first 1/2 [has 2/3 the elevation] and 1:55 for the back half, to come in around 3:53. Plan B is to sneak under 4:00, plan C is just to not walk but finish on a yog after some kind of shit-show that must have happened around 19+
general douchebaggery
#8721531 - 07/11/16 11:33 AM
Re: Running/Cardio Thread
[Re: Sir Ironpool]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 12/11/02
Posts: 11514
Loc: The OC
Looks like the phone was ready to die before you. Nice job man!
Stickaz - Just finish on two feet. Enjoy the suffering and go for time next go-around.
09 CWP MS3 01 Echo 5MT 00 EBP Si - Sold - Pics89 Camaro - Sold CSI. What's your diversion?
#8721674 - 07/11/16 12:57 PM
Re: Running/Cardio Thread
[Re: Design]
I can't imagine running with my phone that whole way...
Hey Chris, what's your gear these days?
just starting at 0 again on running base and maintaining commuting base on bike. Got a trail series for fall, and might snag another century next month
#8722530 - 07/12/16 11:14 AM
Re: Running/Cardio Thread
[Re: Sir Ironpool]
100% cotton or one of those poly/cotton blend shirts?
I've found pure cotton gets heavy as shit, even the lighter weaves. I recently picked up a sugoi shirt, and I'm not sure how it happens, but it always feels wet/cool. Even just picking it up...
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