I fucked my bike up and had to get a new frame. Some times I lose sight of why I waste money on this thing.. le sigh.

Im painting this frame to match my new rims. The green is already gone, Im still on the fence about colors for the body work.

Its either going to be dominately white/black or flat black. I was pretty set on mostly white with black accents, but I found an old photo from the beginning of 2009 where my bike looked pretty nice at the track. The number plates were a last minute thing, I was painting this hours before this photo was taken, oddly enough I smashed it like 5 hours later. Spun the rear tire a bit coming out of turn 3 right after lunch and down I went.

It landed briefly after this shot, went back up in the air end over end.

Repaired the gas tank, no more golf ball sized dent

And now I wait...

Im debating slashing a few inches off the exhaust pipe. My buddy says its too fucking loud as it is, but I really want it to be more like this. I might budget some money aside by the end of the year for a racefit. But in the mean time cutting shit in half is free.