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#33890 - 10/14/03 10:56 PM Need a Kill Switch
DXorsist77 Offline
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Registered: 12/18/02
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I need some ideas on a kill switch for my Civic. Any bright ideas or has anybody tried this? Help me out.
"All I have in this world is my balls, and my word, and I don't break 'em for no one, jou understand?"

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#33891 - 10/15/03 12:15 AM Re: Need a Kill Switch
Air_Siren_Si Offline
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Registered: 03/23/03
Posts: 468
Loc: Denver, CO
what do you want to have the cutoff on. Fuel is most effective in my opinion, and is this to complement anti-theft?

#33892 - 10/15/03 08:09 AM Re: Need a Kill Switch
DXorsist77 Offline
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Registered: 12/18/02
Posts: 516
Loc: Columbia,SC,USA,North America,...
Yes. I see alot u guys on "Member's Profiles" complaining how your Civics are getting stolen. Right now i live in this small town( I'm in the Army) and next year i'll be finally moving to a real city. I don't wanna get caught with my pants down. Got any ideas for fuel?
"All I have in this world is my balls, and my word, and I don't break 'em for no one, jou understand?"

#33893 - 10/15/03 08:17 AM Re: Need a Kill Switch
jjtackleberry Offline
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Registered: 03/21/02
Posts: 446
Loc: KS
What other kind of kill switch could you put in?
only if you get caught........

#33894 - 10/15/03 08:43 AM Re: Need a Kill Switch
borrega Offline
Jr Poster

Registered: 07/21/02
Posts: 127
Loc: garland,tejas
put starter kill switch also and gas pump switch 2 for those ...leaving d car in d mall parking lot while shopping with grandma days I wish i did or i still had my hp racing rims on my si bastards

#33895 - 10/15/03 10:54 AM Re: Need a Kill Switch
jjtackleberry Offline
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Registered: 03/21/02
Posts: 446
Loc: KS
Can some post a "how-to" on the fuel cut off, and or a starter cut off. PICS would be very helpful.

Thanks ahead of time.
only if you get caught........

#33896 - 10/15/03 11:20 AM Re: Need a Kill Switch
Ziggles Offline
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Registered: 09/18/03
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Loc: Santa Barbara, CA
i have to go to class in a few minutes...but here's a bit of info:

next to the driver seat, to the left, running along the floor are a bunch of wires (they are under the paneling). Most of these wires are encased in a 3-4 foot sheath. Some of the wires run all the way to the middle of the chassis, so they are in black "tubing" stuff. To make a killswitch that cuts off the fuel pump, you need to look for the YELLOW wire, with the GREEN stripe. Now, take your average, run of the mill switch (whether you like flip switch, or push switch, doesn't matter) and wire it to the yellow/green wire. It's been awhile since i've done this, and we were working on a 2000 civic; but the whole thing works perfectly now. I'll see if i can get my friend to post up pics of the general process. His car is somewhat stripped and so it would be pretty easy, but no promises (he's a bit secretive, for good reason, about this stuff).

#33897 - 10/15/03 01:42 PM fuel kill switch
gatherer Offline

Registered: 10/10/03
Posts: 3
problem with a push button is if it's a momentary push button as soon as you release the button the fuel pump will stop. a STSP switch is the best to get.

wiring it up is simple cut the yellow wire with the green strip going to the fuel pump and connect one end to one terminal of the switch and the other end to the other terminal.

stuff you need to watch out for:

1) the yellow wire not being long enough to place the switch where you want (solution solder extension wires to it)

2) the switch has 3 terminals (solution solder one wire to the middle terminal and the other wire to one of the (and only one) outter terminals. )

3) the switch has 4 or 6 terminals (buy a simplier switch)

anyways the install is about an hour (including time to let the soldering iron heat up). PM me if you want help with it.

#33898 - 10/15/03 04:28 PM Re: Need a Kill Switch
TranZenD si 209 Offline
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Registered: 04/03/00
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Loc: Stockton, CA
kill starter doesnt do much, if someone can get into your car, and if your car is a stick, all they can do it push start it and it starts right up. invest in the club for the steering wheel and the one for the pedel.
2000 MR SI, Ready! Set! Go! AIM - swtguy2luvu Email -

#33899 - 10/15/03 05:08 PM Re: Need a Kill Switch
DXorsist77 Offline
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Registered: 12/18/02
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Loc: Columbia,SC,USA,North America,...

kill starter doesnt do much, if someone can get into your car, and if your car is a stick, all they can do it push start it and it starts right up. invest in the club for the steering wheel and the one for the pedel.

Damn, for real? Well i figure a kill switch and an alarm should do. If not, then the fucker who steals my car wins.
"All I have in this world is my balls, and my word, and I don't break 'em for no one, jou understand?"

#33900 - 10/15/03 07:36 PM Re: Need a Kill Switch
borrega Offline
Jr Poster

Registered: 07/21/02
Posts: 127
Loc: garland,tejas
yeah is all great but d tricky part is wer to put it ,what a guy i no did was he put a dummie switch in d glove box to throw them out for a loop but where u put it is main thing

what i was thinking of, is putting one in d cigaret lighter i had my car for 11/2 and never use it so cut a little from d top of d casing with a dramell just enough were u can switch it with one finger and sand it to take d rough edges off ,than a hard adhesive to put it in place or tie wraps d small kind i will need a bigger gauge wire do since i got to take d voltage resistance into account but ill let u no how it just an experiment so i will do it in a dummie lighter first that pick at a junk yard

#33901 - 10/16/03 12:58 AM Re: Need a Kill Switch
SiBuddy00 Offline
Jr Member

Registered: 02/14/03
Posts: 476

kill starter doesnt do much, if someone can get into your car, and if your car is a stick, all they can do it push start it and it starts right up. invest in the club for the steering wheel and the one for the pedel.

How will the car run when the fuel pump isn't running? Also... can you make a starter kill switch? anyone got any pix of that goin on?

#33902 - 10/16/03 06:27 AM Re: Need a Kill Switch
DXorsist77 Offline
Jr Member

Registered: 12/18/02
Posts: 516
Loc: Columbia,SC,USA,North America,...

yeah is all great but d tricky part is wer to put it ,what a guy i no did was he put a dummie switch in d glove box to throw them out for a loop but where u put it is main thing

what i was thinking of, is putting one in d cigaret lighter i had my car for 11/2 and never use it so cut a little from d top of d casing with a dramell just enough were u can switch it with one finger and sand it to take d rough edges off ,than a hard adhesive to put it in place or tie wraps d small kind i will need a bigger gauge wire do since i got to take d voltage resistance into account but ill let u no how it just an experiment so i will do it in a dummie lighter first that pick at a junk yard

let me know how it turns out. Get some pics if u can. Thanx
"All I have in this world is my balls, and my word, and I don't break 'em for no one, jou understand?"

#33903 - 10/18/03 11:58 AM Re: Need a Kill Switch
Air_Siren_Si Offline
Jr Member

Registered: 03/23/03
Posts: 468
Loc: Denver, CO
Fuel cutoff is the most effective by far. I tapped a switch right off the wires leaving the fuel pump (its underneath the back seat in that silver oval). When the switch is activated, my 99 Si only runs for 2-3 seconds before it dies, I couldn't even get it in gear in that time.

#33904 - 10/18/03 01:06 PM Re: Need a Kill Switch
jjtackleberry Offline
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Registered: 03/21/02
Posts: 446
Loc: KS
Lets see some pics, NOT of the switch location, but the wiring install
only if you get caught........

#33905 - 10/19/03 12:40 AM Re: Need a Kill Switch
DXorsist77 Offline
Jr Member

Registered: 12/18/02
Posts: 516
Loc: Columbia,SC,USA,North America,...

Lets see some pics, NOT of the switch location, but the wiring install

Yes please!
"All I have in this world is my balls, and my word, and I don't break 'em for no one, jou understand?"

#33906 - 10/19/03 03:10 AM Re: Need a Kill Switch
SiBuddy00 Offline
Jr Member

Registered: 02/14/03
Posts: 476


Lets see some pics, NOT of the switch location, but the wiring install

Yes please!

i third that

#33907 - 10/20/03 08:28 AM Re: Need a Kill Switch
jjtackleberry Offline
Jr Member

Registered: 03/21/02
Posts: 446
Loc: KS
...and I'll forth it.......
only if you get caught........

#33908 - 10/20/03 09:18 PM Re: Need a Kill Switch
Air_Siren_Si Offline
Jr Member

Registered: 03/23/03
Posts: 468
Loc: Denver, CO
Ok, here is what I did for fuel cutoff. I refered to page 11-236 in the helms manual, this if for a 96-00 civic.

I removed the backseat, upper and lower parts. I also removed the drivers side rear panel to run my wires to the switch. You will see an large aluminum oval dead center, the fuel pump is under this. You can take off the aluminum cover (4 screws), but there really is no need to. I just took the electrical tape leaving the cover off and pulled the wires out. Find the Yellow wire with a green stripe, it is one of the larger ones. Cut your wire and you will be sending each end of that to a switch. Use 16 or 18 guage wire leading to your switch. A relay can also be used, also optional, but i didn't use one.

I hid the switch in my trunk. But that is because my trunk was modded for only remote pop. You can put the switch anywhere, you can even have two switches for extra security. I prefer tapping the wires strait off the fuel pump, because ECU tapping is easier for a theif to work around. They aren't going to be taking out your back seats, at least i don't think so. Let me know if you need more help with this.

#33909 - 10/20/03 11:32 PM Re: Need a Kill Switch
DXorsist77 Offline
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Registered: 12/18/02
Posts: 516
Loc: Columbia,SC,USA,North America,...
God Bless You!!!
"All I have in this world is my balls, and my word, and I don't break 'em for no one, jou understand?"

#33910 - 10/21/03 12:01 AM Re: Need a Kill Switch
braintree Offline
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Registered: 08/14/01
Posts: 1176
Loc: chicago
Here you go, this was a post I did on another board(you can ignore part one, I just cut and pasted everything).

Part 1

So last week, I was able to get a set of autometer boost and a/f gauges from AWD 4G63 (thanks again)

Since it was a nice weekend, I decided to make a gauge holder for them. With the gauges in hand, I chose to throw them in the compartment near the cup holders. So I took out the cup holders and went on a quest for ABS plastic.

After hours of searching the south burbs for plastic, I found none. Everyshop I talked to had to order it. So sad and beaten, I stop by my dad’s shop and then it had shown itself. In the back was a discarded chevy cavalier front-end. I looked around and found the fender moldings. So bare-handed, I ripped them out and cut them to shape. Then I riveted them to the cup-holders and the DIY was near completion.

Once the molding was in place, I cut somes holes in them, put the gauges in and threw the bad-boy back in the car.

All in all, $2 for extra wires + $2 for connectors + $0 for cavalier molding =

Part 2

Well, being the loser that I am with mucho free time; my weekend was not done yet. So I decided to make a fuel-cutoff switch. With that in mind, I headed back to Radio shack and picked up a rocker switch.

Then I found my fuel pump power wire

and made a slice. With some male and female connectors, I attached it to some wires and ran it to my hidden switch.

So for that DIY, $4 for the rocker switch + $2 for wires + $1.50 for male/female connectors = a $7.50 security system that rivals many high-tech ones. With the hidden switch in the off position, no power to the fuel pump = no fuel to the engine = no moving for the car.
RIP Grandma 3/5/33 - 12/16/05
You'll be missed.

#33911 - 10/21/03 08:53 AM Re: Need a Kill Switch
DXorsist77 Offline
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Registered: 12/18/02
Posts: 516
Loc: Columbia,SC,USA,North America,...
You my man are the shizznitz! Muchas gracias!
"All I have in this world is my balls, and my word, and I don't break 'em for no one, jou understand?"

#33912 - 10/23/03 09:29 AM Re: Need a Kill Switch
civicgeek9 Offline
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Registered: 11/10/02
Posts: 559
Loc: Dallas/Ft.Worth, Texas
And even better solution than that just listed above is this setup here ....

It will cost you about 20 bucks for all the materials, and there is no "hidden" switch like in the one above.
The switch to enable the circuit is a magnetic reed switch, so unless this thief happens to be carrying a magnet on him, forget it. If he could even find where the switch is located. It can be virtually anywhere on your car. If they were to know where it was, it could be bypassed without a magnet, but would still be a lot more difficult than the above description. You would have to know what wires did waht considering you would ahve 4 to work with. As a matter of fact, because of the way the reed switch works, I'm not sure if there is an easy bypass. I will have to investigate more.
The cutout described above is just a simple toggle switch, very easy to find, and very easy to bypass.

Very nice design and works great. I installed it a couple weeks ago and it's da shit! Between this and my Alarm, I feel much safer about my car being stolen whilst I'm at the movies, mall, etc...

Good Luck!

"Well for my next car there's no way I would buy another Honda, I want an Acura RSX." Buy My Stuff!

#33913 - 10/23/03 10:06 AM Re: Need a Kill Switch
SiR Driver Offline
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Registered: 02/10/02
Posts: 2558
Loc: Toronto, ON
Hallelujah on finally having an excellent Kill Switch thread.
Thanks to everyone who posted.
'99 FBP SiR

#33914 - 10/23/03 12:43 PM Re: Need a Kill Switch
DXorsist77 Offline
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Registered: 12/18/02
Posts: 516
Loc: Columbia,SC,USA,North America,...

Hallelujah on finally having an excellent Kill Switch thread.
Thanks to everyone who posted.

"All I have in this world is my balls, and my word, and I don't break 'em for no one, jou understand?"

#33915 - 10/24/03 12:46 AM Re: Need a Kill Switch
SiBuddy00 Offline
Jr Member

Registered: 02/14/03
Posts: 476
Can you use a Heavy Duty 12-Volt Horn Relay for that project? And.... Why not do the switch and the magnet thing? Double it up, then it'd be really really tough, those two + alarm? But mostly... Can you use a Heavy Duty 12-Volt Horn Relay for that project? And I may just be slow but... does that magnet project look tuff or is it just me? I'd like to know how to do it though. Also... what gauge wiring would a person use?

#33916 - 10/24/03 09:14 AM Re: Need a Kill Switch
civicgeek9 Offline
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Registered: 11/10/02
Posts: 559
Loc: Dallas/Ft.Worth, Texas
Okay here ya go for the magnet style relay cutout. Some more details and information....

You will need the parts listed of course.
Get the Heavy duty auto relay, a must have for making that connection into your fuel pump. It's a high current/high voltage application, and can handle the amperage running thru it for prolonged periods of time. Which is something you will want when wiring into your fuel pump's power line.
For the DPDT relay, the relays i was able to find at Radio Shack where like 10V only. You need a 12V DPDT. At least that. And the reed switches at radio shack work, but are very low amperage as well. I'm still trying to locate better ones to use. Fry's was out of stock when I was there last. But they do have nice DPDT relays @ 12V and like 10Amps, perfect for this application.
Cars run 12V (duh!) and about 6-9 amps of current normally. Dependind on device being powered. So you need devices that can handle these currents. Now the reed switch will only be a temporary passage of power, so it's okay if it's amperage is lower, but there is a downside.
Sometimes, the circuit doesn't want to set when you first pass the magnet over it. You will hear the DPDT relay chatter, trying to go into the set or locked state so you can drive. It's not that bad of a setback. I wired it up anyways. It just takes a few passes of the magnet sometimes to get it to lock. But most of the time it works first try.
So you might want to try higher voltage and amperage DPDT relays and reed switches. until you can find one that works better. I don't mind if it gives me problems every now and again, I can deal for now until I get a larger reed, which I believe is what is causing it. Cause If i played with the circuit w/o the reed, it worked every single time with no chatter.

The schematic is so-so at best on that diagram. But it's actually quite simple. Just make sure you SOLDER ALL CONNECTIONS!! You don't want shit coming loose or touching and blowing something up. I am working ona better pic to post for all of you. It will make wiring that circuit much easier for those that aren't electrical engineers when they go to work. I got lucky, i know this shit, so it was quite easy for me.

I used my center console for mounting of a lot of the pieces, and then ran wires to my reed switch location. Then put the auto relay under the seat, try to use 6 inches at most, for the connections that you splice into your FP power line that will pass thru the relays input and output. Again, you don't want to loose voltage or amperage running into your FP motor.

I will post a schematic later after I get it finished for all those interested.

Materials can all be purchased at yoru local Fry's or other electronics store. Again, the shit available at Radio Shack isn't all the best. I think i used the Auto relays and reed switches I got from there, and that's about it. But I'm still looking for better reeds before I install this same shit into a friends car.

As for "doubling up" the circuit, this is possible, anyone want to take a crack at designing a circuit for this guy? I find that the one in that link and that i used is definitly enough for me. I mean, w/o fuel, you're fucked. The car can and will sometiems start, but die in about 30-60 secs at most. And if you're driving and it accidently trips, which mine has only done once in 3 weeks, you simply pull over and reset teh circuit. It helps to have another magnet hidden in the car and easier to get to than tha one on your keys.
Like anyone is going to know WTF that magnet is for stuck to the bottom of your seat!?!?!

If anyone is really interested in having one of these and not wanting to take the time to make it and all that. I am accepting $50 via paypal to make them for you. Materials cost me 20 bucks and then 20 bucks for my time and effort to make you a harness and 10 bucks for Fed Ex/UPS shipment.

PM me for more details. But please, I am still searching, so it may take me a couple weeks. Once I have located all the parts in a better stock, I can make them much faster and more of them. Right now I have only been able to scrounge up anough shit to make 2 more.
Prolly going to have to order the shit in bulk from somewhere.
"Well for my next car there's no way I would buy another Honda, I want an Acura RSX." Buy My Stuff!

#33917 - 10/24/03 10:44 AM Re: Need a Kill Switch
civicgeek9 Offline
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Registered: 11/10/02
Posts: 559
Loc: Dallas/Ft.Worth, Texas
okay so i made a new schematic for those that don't quite understand the last one.
I went and pulled apart my shit to verify everything.
If you have problems making thsi work. I am sorry about that.
Mine works just fine, except that reed switch and chattering problem I mentioned.
But I did learn, that if I hold the magnet, so that the flat surface faces the reed, instead of the small edge, it works 99.5% of the time on the first try.

Good Luck to all those that give it a try. I love mine!
Schematic... (sorry about the shitty resolution, it's hard w/o a scanner. And a digi cam pic just isn't the same. But it works. )

a sample of the goods....

one last thing... Radio shack sells little square magnets with a hole in the center that fits nicely onto a keychain if you want to do it that way... I just didn't want to carry around 2 alarm remotes on my keychain... I like my keys as light as possible. Also be sure your LED you buy is a 12vdc LED as well. If not, it will blow up as soon as you apply power.
"Well for my next car there's no way I would buy another Honda, I want an Acura RSX." Buy My Stuff!

#33918 - 11/08/03 11:12 AM Re: Need a Kill Switch
SiGuy00 Offline
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Registered: 09/29/03
Posts: 362
Loc: Minnesota
Im definitly going to put a fuel kill switch in, and also a push starter. So they have to take the time to find them. hehe

#33919 - 11/08/03 06:26 PM Re: Need a Kill Switch
KneeGrow Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 02/04/03
Posts: 10719
Loc: San Francisco, CA
I used these instructions to make my fuel cut-off switch.
#33920 - 11/08/03 09:05 PM Re: Need a Kill Switch
DXorsist77 Offline
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Registered: 12/18/02
Posts: 516
Loc: Columbia,SC,USA,North America,...

I used these instructions to make my fuel cut-off switch.

So how did it come out? Any problems or suggestion? Oh yeah....where's ur switch?
"All I have in this world is my balls, and my word, and I don't break 'em for no one, jou understand?"

#33921 - 11/09/03 01:17 PM Re: Need a Kill Switch
civicgeek9 Offline
Jr Member

Registered: 11/10/02
Posts: 559
Loc: Dallas/Ft.Worth, Texas
that's just a simple on/off switch. as long as it's hidden good, then it's a good idea. otherwise, too easy to bypass.
but still a nice setup as well.
"Well for my next car there's no way I would buy another Honda, I want an Acura RSX." Buy My Stuff!

#33922 - 11/11/03 12:22 PM Re: Need a Kill Switch
SiGuy00 Offline
Jr Member

Registered: 09/29/03
Posts: 362
Loc: Minnesota
I did a fuel cut off and it works great. If the car is running and i flip the switch, it take about 3 seconds before it dies. Great post everybody. Psssss. just hid the switch in a good spot.

#33923 - 11/26/03 01:18 AM Re: Need a Kill Switch
ame540EBPsi Offline
Post Master Sr

Registered: 04/12/01
Posts: 8832
Loc: Work, CA
If you cant wait and you dont have the switch installed....

if im parking in a really sketchy neighborhood, etc... ill pull the ignition fuse from under the hood.
the car will try to start but wont turn over completly.

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#33924 - 11/27/03 12:08 AM Re: Need a Kill Switch
DXorsist77 Offline
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Registered: 12/18/02
Posts: 516
Loc: Columbia,SC,USA,North America,...

If you cant wait and you dont have the switch installed....

if im parking in a really sketchy neighborhood, etc... ill pull the ignition fuse from under the hood.
the car will try to start but wont turn over completly.

Yeah and those "sketchy" guys watching u go under ur hood will think " He needs a kill switch."

Too much trouble for me. If the projects i'm going to is too ruff, either someone picks me up or fuck it I ain't going.
"All I have in this world is my balls, and my word, and I don't break 'em for no one, jou understand?"

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[BobBarker] i like to wrap my friends in plastic and beat them with a stick
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[Rex B16] like diet pepsi?
[Rex B16] just one calorie
[BobBarker] coke n weed probably be alright for me. Couple shrooms here and there
[Rex B16] do you do the coke and weed at the same time?
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[BobBarker] le big macque
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[BobBarker] I. P. Freeley
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[Rex B16] ivanna tinkle
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[TexasSI] Hit the one in the middle, no?
[BobBarker] right, ya
[randomosity] what about her titty?
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[Rex B16] do we still have gay mods?
[BobBarker] gay, as in happy?
[BobBarker] hmmm idk
[BobBarker] Pepsi Cola in a Coca Cola glass. I don’t give a damn.
[TexasSI] Pam Pamn. Like Paaalm.
[BobBarker] Palmalina and her five sisters
[Rex B16] they’ll keep your place spic and span

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