#7926805 - 10/22/14 11:19 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym
[Re: The Mighty BellRacer]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 07/16/06
Posts: 18220
Loc: 18th green
Ran 8 weeks of test-c 500mg
Added deca at week 9 600mg and upped test to 750mg cause running deca you should run higher test...
I'm in week 10, went from 212-232 over that period but have been hovering around 231-232 last 4 weeks and an likely recomping on my current intake around 4k cals... so, for someone who knows nothing about juicing, do you maintain the gains that you get if you get off of the sauce? that's a pretty serious change to your body composition in a short time. Ois it sustainable without the chemicals?
You will lose some weight after a blast but if you "do it right" you're going to cruise on a low test dude and you can continue to make gains even while not "on cycle"...
The guys you see that blow the fuck up and then shrink back down likely did it with orals, never controlled their bloat and immediately lose 20 pounds after stopping and then not doing a PCT...
I don't plan to need any post cycle therapy cause I'll still be taking a small dose of test every week before I blast off again...
#7926961 - 10/23/14 08:26 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym
[Re: Silock]
Post Master Sr
Registered: 04/19/01
Posts: 4052
Aren't you worried about the long-term effects of never really coming off of the drugs? That's the kind of stuff that scares me enough to stay away. I'd feel nervous even if it were monitored by a doctor, though.
Not an expert on blast and cruise, but I did stay at a holiday inn express, studied chemistry, and just got prescribed TRT and have done a ton of research on it. Yes, my total T was low at 286 and 255 ng/dL on 2 different tests. If he cruises at 200 mg/week or less, that would put him at the upper high end of the "normal" range of 348-1197 ng/dL total T. Assuming he keeps E2 in check with an AI (if necessary) and monitors his hematocrit/hemoglobin, there really isn't much risk with TRT levels of test. If hematocrit gets too high then TRT patients can donate blood. As a "recreational" user he would have to either lie about that, pay for therapeutic phlebotomy, or drain it himself. He may need 250-500 IU of hCG 2x a week to prevent testicular atrophy, if that is an issue to him. The blasting part I don't really know how that will affect overall health, I would assume it depends on which compounds are used (e.g. 17-methylated steroids are hepatotoxic and will damage the liver if used in high dosages and/or for long periods).
Starting next week I will be on 160mg 1x a week, .5mg adex 2x a week, and 500IU hCG 2x a week. I'm under supervision of a licensed physician and will be doing routine bloodwork to monitor everything.
#7927032 - 10/23/14 08:53 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym
[Re: It's Art]
Post Master Sr
Registered: 04/19/01
Posts: 4052
Starting next week I will be on 160mg 1x a week, .5mg adex 2x a week, and 500IU hCG 2x a week. why...?
The testosterone is because I have total and free testosterone values below the normal range. Average for my age is 650-ish, I am mid to high 200's for total T. I have depression, low libido, and other issues that go along with low testosterone. I have tried Clomid and it boosted my T while on but it fell back after cessation. hCG monotherapy failed as well. The adex is to keep estrogen down and the hCG is to prevent testicular atrophy.
#7927437 - 10/23/14 11:40 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym
[Re: 65_289]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 01/23/00
Posts: 60326
Loc: Jayhawk Country
The issue I have with bridging is that T levels are highly interindividualized. What is low for person A may be normal for person B, and vice versa. I know a lot of AS guys are very careful, and I know Diezel will be. It still just seems freaky scary to me
#7927535 - 10/23/14 12:27 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym
[Re: 137]
Sly is jacked. Arnold is recovering but still a sloppy version of his old self.
#7956966 - 11/10/14 06:00 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym
[Re: DieZel]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 08/28/03
Posts: 45722
Loc: Southern CA
#7956983 - 11/10/14 06:16 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym
[Re: Joeyballs]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 11/01/99
Posts: 40865
Loc: RI
Juicing in the first pic? (no offense intended)
___________________________________ gamby still have an EM1--go figure
#7957003 - 11/10/14 06:31 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym
[Re: Joeyballs]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 11/01/99
Posts: 40865
Loc: RI
The results are super impressive, but if that (bulk) were that my goal, the pussy in me would be to afraid of side effects. With my luck, something would go hideously wrong.
Cyclists were/are about the discreet testosterone patch on the ol' scrotum to help post-race recovery.
___________________________________ gamby still have an EM1--go figure
#7960379 - 11/12/14 02:32 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym
[Re: DieZel]
Post Master Sr
Registered: 04/19/01
Posts: 4052
Aren't you guys afraid of getting busted? It seems to me that would be worse than some of the potential side effects. Maybe they only go after the dealers and not the users but it seems really risky.
#7960484 - 11/12/14 03:17 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym
[Re: DieZel]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 08/28/03
Posts: 45722
Loc: Southern CA
What kind of des age were you on in 2012...?
I take it you're just a small dude in general...?
Yeah I'm a small guy naturally. 5'8" 150 normally - 175 when lifting (top pic)
I was on 250 Test E, 400 Tren E, 400 EQ weekly.
" It currently feels like I couldn't get laid in a women's prison with a handful of pardons." - NOHC you guys are totally gonna be like "Oh chef can you make ME a coyote hoody?!" and I'm gonna be like let me check that thread and see who called my nephew a hick
#7975784 - 11/22/14 04:21 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym
[Re: Silock]
Sir Ironpool
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Post Master Supreme
Registered: 03/12/01
Posts: 71803
Loc: Long Beach, CA
The juice is working for me, lol. (Cross post from OT) In all seriousness, if you actually learned how to bench (just making your body into a more stable platform with your feet and back), you could instantly add probably 30-40 pounds to what you just did. Dont go tempting me like that.
#8004848 - 12/12/14 09:34 PM
Re: steroid use at your gym
[Re: 137]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 03/05/00
Posts: 27196
Loc: Thailand
your cycle cost less than the protein I eat per month *cries*
I don't know how much steroids cost but I wouldn't doubt they are cheaper than supplements. Uggh.
The only thing I've done is clomid but its pretty harmless (and not nearly as effective). lol
#9089936 - 07/27/17 07:06 AM
Re: steroid use at your gym
[Re: It's Art]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 10/14/01
Posts: 61146
I get this whole thing, I do but I don't think this is a paper tiger here.
Guy is 6'3" and is clearly in shape. He thinks he's a brick wall, but can we stop pretending the rest of these lifting accomplishments are untouchable?
So call him out, that's fair, but don't assume because a video isn't posted immediately, he's weak. I've dled 500 and squatted 405. Benched 330 and chin upswith 45s strapped to my waist. I do 90-95% of that today, then run 8 miles with sprints.
Keep reality in check. Yes. But see, you're a large male too. You can bench 3 plates, dead 500 pounds and run 10 miles and not have to have a blog, youtube channel, avatar, etc all about it. And, no homo, you look the part too. And, much like me, before you leaned out you were just large but still hefty. It's like wolfsburg too. He's always been able to out bench me. I think he repped my max like 3-4 times. (365)
Just thought this was worth re-upping
Bonus Points - Person Woman Man Camera TV
Moderator: Silock, Professor Paki
[ BobBarker]
coke n weed probably be alright for me. Couple shrooms here and there
[ Rex B16]
do you do the coke and weed at the same time?
[ TexasSI]
Kinda wanna go see Eric Prydz in Austin on Sat. Am i too old lol?
[ Rex B16]
[ Rex B16]
everybody put down your glasses
[ TexasSI]
Hit the one in the middle, no?
[ BobBarker]
[ Rex B16]
do we still have gay mods?
[ BobBarker]
Pepsi Cola in a Coca Cola glass. I don’t give a damn.
[ Rex B16]
they’ll keep your place spic and span
[ BobBarker]
they will definitely leave a nice polish on the ole cane