#6720524 - 11/17/12 07:40 PM
Re: Running/Cardio Thread
[Re: Sir Ironpool]
Tight Knit Marriage
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 08/24/01
Posts: 31033
Loc: Columbia, SC
Thanks guys!
Ironmom, we're similar in terms of speed and ability until we get to the part where you fucking swim and bike a whole shitload of miles before you even start with the part that I consider "the whole event"! Would love to get a run with you next time I'm in your zone, though 
Still, I was really happy with the time. I'm right on the cusp of deciding to really devote a lot more time to it and see what I can really do if I put in a lot of miles and ease off the drinking. Either way, just a great race, cold sunny day, straight course. Enicideme even got in on the action and put in a great time even though he was pushing a stroller and having to stop and fix the baby's gear! He said her blanket briefly blew off and she started crying and folks in front of him were glaring back at him
#6721808 - 11/18/12 05:10 PM
Re: Running/Cardio Thread
[Re: Sir Ironpool]
Sir Ironpool
Sponsored by Toyota
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 03/12/01
Posts: 71803
Loc: Long Beach, CA
Posted this in OT, figured Id share here:
and Mr. Mom lost. 
Ampsman and myself were both signed up for the Santa Monica Mountains 30k (18.5 miles) trail race this morning. The race starts in La Jolla Canyon, which is just a few miles north of the infamous Neptunes Net (where the diner scene takes place in The Fast and Furious). It's pretty rugged terrain up there. The Pacific on one side, several couple thousand foot peaks on the other.
This was to be my first trail race of any kind, so I went into it with no expectations other than finishing and having a good time on the trails. Ampsman and I introduced ourselves in the parking lot and chatted for a bit before the start. He's an old hand at this, but I was hoping I could hang with him. Turns out the guy is part mountain goat or some shit.
The course was basically a big figure eight. Start with a 3 mile climb clockwise up and around a mountain then 5 miles back around the other side for a total of eight or so miles, then another 10 miles counter clockwise loop of the peak to the south. I spent most of that first climb trying to pass slower runners, which is hard on narrow rocky single track. One you crested the hill though, holy shit what a view. You could see all the way to Santa Barabara to the north and way the hell out to see. It was a little cloudy from the storm we'd just had, but the sun was out and the temps were perfect. I was feeling really good till miles 4 and 5 where we hit this valley that was like the Swamp of Infinite Sorrow. It wasnt deep mud, and the trail was flat, but this stuff just stuck to your shoes and it felt like you were hauling 20 pounds weights on each foot. That was my only low point of the whole race, and luckily it didn't last too long. We had a couple miles of really fun, super technical single track back to the start, an the start of the second half of the course. No sign of Ampsman though. I hit the aid station, filled my handheld water bottle, grabbed a handful of chips and m&m's and started out on the second loop. This one sent you south up a few miles to the top of the next peak, way down into the next canyon (Sycamore Canyon for the locals) then back up to the same peak (via an extremely steep half mile or so climb that was a total bitch) then back down to the finish. I started that first climb doing a mix l of a run/power hike shuffle that seemed to work. I was watching my pace on my Garmin and ran the numbers and thought I could come in at 3:00 hours if all went well. I had no idea where this would place me in the rankings, but it was a nice even number. So the climb went pretty well, and the trails were in fantastic shape. Once I hit the top, it was a really long fire road down to the bottom of the canyon. I picked up some good time here, but didn't goe all out for fear of catching a toe and eating shit. On my way towards the turnaround, Ampsman passed me going the other way and we did a totally nohomo hi five. Turns out he was 5 or 6 minutes ahead of me which wasn't as bad as I thought. Got to the bottom where there was an aid station and I field up on flat Coke (shits like rocket fuel) water for my bottle and a handful of pretzels. I was feeling really good nutrition wise, so I just ate what looked tasty.
Started the return leg via a flat dirt road along the base of the canyon, which then turned into a bunch of switchbacks that lead to that bitch of a climb. I basically power hiked it with my hands on my knees, cussing the whole way. Once at the top we joined up with the fire road we'd come down earlier, and it was a decent hike back to the summit. Once I was at the top, I knew we had a little over 2 miles to the finish, and my watch read 2:45 I think, so I decided to go balls out and try to get that 3:00. This was my favorite part of the whole race. It was beautifull sweeping downhill single track with awesome views for the millisecond I could take my eyes off the trail, lol. It was like being on a roller coaster. I was hauling ass...just letting my legs go hoping the rest of my body could keep up. I think I averaged a 6:40 pace for those last 2 miles. Hit the finish line at 3:00:22. 
Ampsman was there with his wife and kids...turns out he finished about 8 minutes ahead of me, snagged 4th place overall, and I think won his age group. Turns out I placed third in my 35-39 age group. I was beat to shit, but felt fantastic. For my first trail race, I couldn't be happier.
So yeah...congrats to Ampsman. He officially holds the title as CSi's fastest trail runner.
#6722273 - 11/18/12 09:04 PM
Re: Running/Cardio Thread
[Re: Sir Ironpool]
Nice fucking job Micah. I need to get my ass running. I'd love to break 20 on a 5k one day. That's fucking awesome
#6749720 - 12/03/12 06:20 PM
Re: Running/Cardio Thread
[Re: Sir Ironpool]
Ampsman in Extremis
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 04/10/00
Posts: 15467
Loc: San Jose, Ca, USA
Did a 15 mile run last night (plan called for a half mary race) and other than it pouring rain the first 3 or so, it felt great. Forced myself to stick to the plan and slow my pace down...so I hovered right around 7:50 miles the whole way. Felt great after finishing, so I know the effort wasnt too much. 48 miles for the week. 9 mile trail race this Sunday which will take the place of the race that it called for yesterday. Hoping I can keep my podium streak going.
Do you do your long runs on the streets? I've started running at night more and the trails by my house are to sketchy to run on at night so I stick to the streets and I fucking hate it, I cant bring myself to do more than like 8.
 Paki: 3:36
#6750429 - 12/03/12 11:32 PM
Re: Running/Cardio Thread
[Re: micah]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 11/01/99
Posts: 40865
Loc: RI
Nice fucking job Micah. I need to get my ass running. I'd love to break 20 on a 5k one day. That's fucking awesome Thanks man! I would have to say that if I can do it then anyone can, eventually. I say that because I lost some weight but I'm still not exactly a Kenyan if you know what I mean.  (They had a 1 mile "Kid's fun run" finishing the same time as the fast runners. Plus, the little kids' parents. I don't think that's a great idea and I told them so - very politely, not like I am on CSI - on their FB page.)
Yeah, that's a BAD idea. I wouldn't want to worry about dodging a bunch of mommies and their McKennas, getting in my way while Dad waits for the perfect FB shot.
The mom looks like Coach Beast from Glee
___________________________________ gamby still have an EM1--go figure
#6758460 - 12/07/12 08:24 PM
Re: Running/Cardio Thread
[Re: Sir Ironpool]
Ampsman in Extremis
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 04/10/00
Posts: 15467
Loc: San Jose, Ca, USA
Badass. 15k trail race this sunday for me. Then I need to go and do another 10 in the afternoon to hit the 19 miler my plan calls for.
Damn! Just run the course twice!
 Paki: 3:36
#6760891 - 12/09/12 09:00 PM
Re: Running/Cardio Thread
[Re: Sir Ironpool]
Ampsman in Extremis
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 04/10/00
Posts: 15467
Loc: San Jose, Ca, USA
Well, had a great run, but the podium streak came to an end. Covered the 9.45 miles in 1:20. Crazy tough course with some super steep climbs. Ended up 8th/27 I'm my AG, 55/360 overall.Really happy with my race though...felt strong after already putting in 40 miles this week.
Nice! Thats a great time. Did you get another 10 in? Holy shit, I did 9 on friday with my new shoes...my lower calves were so sore on saturday. I thought it wouldnt be a big transition coming from the grits but fuck me. The drop is about the same but there is alot less cushion so it makes you go way fore foot. They feel incredible.
 Paki: 3:36
#6773218 - 12/15/12 11:46 PM
Re: Running/Cardio Thread
[Re: Sir Ironpool]
Ampsman in Extremis
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 04/10/00
Posts: 15467
Loc: San Jose, Ca, USA
Visiting family this weekend in Northern California....went for a 10 mile run this morning and it was 35 degrees! Short sleeves, split shorts and at least a beanie. It was covered in frost when I got back. Hit my goal though, averaged 6:48 pace, which is 15 seconds under marathon goal pace.
Great run man! What part of norcal you in? I did 15 this morning with 3k of elevation gain, felt really strong.
 Paki: 3:36
Moderator: Silock, Professor Paki
[ BobBarker]
coke n weed probably be alright for me. Couple shrooms here and there
[ Rex B16]
do you do the coke and weed at the same time?
[ TexasSI]
Kinda wanna go see Eric Prydz in Austin on Sat. Am i too old lol?
[ Rex B16]
[ Rex B16]
everybody put down your glasses
[ TexasSI]
Hit the one in the middle, no?
[ BobBarker]
[ Rex B16]
do we still have gay mods?
[ BobBarker]
Pepsi Cola in a Coca Cola glass. I don’t give a damn.
[ Rex B16]
they’ll keep your place spic and span
[ BobBarker]
they will definitely leave a nice polish on the ole cane