#7133792 - 06/18/13 08:30 PM
Re: Cyclists that race - training
[Re: robbbby]
Post Master Sr
Registered: 07/09/07
Posts: 3496
Loc: Denver, CO
nice man! should be a awesome trip! im actually heading to utah next wednesday for 10 days. going riding in moab, fruita, DH at park city, wasatch crest trails, and road tripping to do a big mountain enduro race in crested butte. going to be epic. http://www.bigmountainenduro.com/ taking our XC bikes out to race that haha east coast represent!
that 24 hour race looks sick! that would be awesome and terrible to try solo haha
Edited by nato2377 (06/18/13 08:31 PM)
#7134269 - 06/18/13 11:46 PM
Re: Cyclists that race - training
[Re: nato2377]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 11/01/99
Posts: 40865
Loc: RI
That Ridley was s retarded deal. I kinda hate you for that one 
MS150 has a century option for day 1--make it to the third rest stop before 11am and it's fair game. I hope I'm feeling good that day.
Carb load begins tomorrow...
___________________________________ gamby still have an EM1--go figure
#7136063 - 06/19/13 06:56 PM
Re: Cyclists that race - training
[Re: robbbby]
Post Master Sr
Registered: 07/09/07
Posts: 3496
Loc: Denver, CO
i never carb load fwiw, but i use that as my reason to eat pizza and beer the day before a race ive read some articles saying that it doesnt have much, if any impact and to just eat normal meals. obviously if you are in a stage race or multiple day event it will have a impact but for a single event, its a relative non factor
Edited by nato2377 (06/19/13 06:57 PM)
#7136306 - 06/19/13 08:47 PM
Re: Cyclists that race - training
[Re: robbbby]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 11/01/99
Posts: 40865
Loc: RI
Did you do a depletion before starting your loading? A lot of guys start doing carb depletion 6-7 days out then load 2-3 days before.
I went much lighter carb-wise until tonight. Now, I'll load for the next three days (within reason). I did a bunch of reading about it and there were a few places that said depleting then loading is an older mentality/concept.
If (IF) I do 100 (as opposed to 84) on Saturday and 65 on Sunday, I'm going to want as much glycogen in me as humanly possible. I also look at the water retention as a good thing--that will come into play in the hydration dept.
I plan on using the Hammer Heed that nato recommended and I'm going to watch my salt intake as well (cramping). I usually down a 5-hour energy for the last 20 or so miles, because at that point, I'm not concerned about hydration.
Day one is the killer. Day 2 is shorter and less punishing, so I won't be as concerned.
I'll likely still be down 2-3 lbs by Monday. We'll see what happens...
BTW--I did my last ride today before the 150. Had every intention of just spinning my flat 18 m ile loop nice and easy, but just past the turnaround, this large, balbi-esque dude passed me with gusto. I tailed him at 19-20mph for about 8 miles. 
splits from the way back:
___________________________________ gamby still have an EM1--go figure
#7142418 - 06/23/13 09:39 PM
Re: Cyclists that race - training
[Re: gamby]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 11/01/99
Posts: 40865
Loc: RI
Just leaving this here for now:
Details to follow when I'm more lucid.
___________________________________ gamby still have an EM1--go figure
#7142459 - 06/23/13 10:16 PM
Re: Cyclists that race - training
[Re: gamby]
The Mighty BellRacer
Daps up men at the gym
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Registered: 05/03/00
Posts: 26764
Loc: DFW
Nice work dude!!
#7143309 - 06/24/13 02:17 PM
Re: Cyclists that race - training
[Re: nato2377]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 11/01/99
Posts: 40865
Loc: RI
nato--the advice you gave about Hammer Heed was PRICELESS. I'll never ride another MS150 without that stuff. It's so much better than the gatorade they provide, it's crazy. Can't thank you enough on that--although the mandarin orange flavor is kinda like orange antifreeze (but less sweet). Melon or strawberry for me.
I had to make it to the third rest stop by 11AM to make the century. Pinch flatted 2.5 miles in (FFFUUU), broke the valve stem off when pumping it up (FFFFFFFFUUUUUU), patched it, patch let go in another 10 miles (FFFFFFFFFFFFUUUU!!!!!!). I sprinted to get to the third stop by 11, made it by 11:02 and they gladly let me in.
Century leg was quite flat (coastal) with some easy rollers. Most of day 1 was rollers. I wanted to average 15mph, so I'm thrilled with 15.3. With 2 flats and the century, I still finished ahead of a lot of riders doing the regular 84 mile route. The last 10 miles were murder though. The heat and the seat time got to me.
Day 2 was more of a battle. It was 88 and humid by mid-day and it was kicking my ass. More climbing on that day, too. Between the heat and the climbing, that's where the average speed dropped. After the 50 mile mark, I was just going through the motions. Felt like shit, but kept going--because fuck you 
Did an 18 mile "hair of the dog" ride this morning. The only issue was the big blister on my left hand (between thumb/forefinger from the brake hood). I rode without gloves and it became much less of an issue.
Glad to have done it (century), glad it's done.
___________________________________ gamby still have an EM1--go figure
#7143773 - 06/24/13 06:47 PM
Re: Cyclists that race - training
[Re: Sir Ironpool]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 11/01/99
Posts: 40865
Loc: RI
Congrats man...solid effort.
Thanks so much (for everyone's props). 
The experience solidified that I will NEVER do an Ironman. Running a marathon after that century (and a long swim) is next level shit.
___________________________________ gamby still have an EM1--go figure
#7154967 - 07/01/13 06:46 PM
Re: Cyclists that race - training
[Re: gamby]
The Mighty BellRacer
Daps up men at the gym
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Registered: 05/03/00
Posts: 26764
Loc: DFW
So I'm loving this. It's helped my overall fitness like crazy and its only been a month. 30 hilly miles with wind is status quo now and I want more. I'm not even riding clipped in yet.
The thing is, I am really intrigued by a fixed/single. No idea why. I currently don't commute (3 mi) on my bike but I think I would do so on a single/fixed and save the geared road bike for the distance rides. Anybody have any good input? I've searched Craigslist and there are quite a few ranging from $100 to $600. I'm thinking it would be fun to buy a frame and build one up myself. Seems like I could get a better rig that way.
#7155487 - 07/01/13 11:09 PM
Re: Cyclists that race - training
[Re: The Mighty BellRacer]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 11/01/99
Posts: 40865
Loc: RI
This is my singlespeed build thread:
It has 700x35 hybrid tires and SPD pedals on it now (will post a pic of that later). I love it. Very fun to hammer hills on and it's a great training tool. Lots of quad strength comes out of that thing.
___________________________________ gamby still have an EM1--go figure
#7157823 - 07/02/13 11:14 PM
Re: Cyclists that race - training
[Re: nato2377]
Post Master Sr
Registered: 07/09/07
Posts: 3496
Loc: Denver, CO

oh yeah rocking that full face with a skin suit!

Edited by nato2377 (07/02/13 11:19 PM)
#7157841 - 07/02/13 11:30 PM
Re: Cyclists that race - training
[Re: nato2377]
Post Master Sr
Registered: 07/09/07
Posts: 3496
Loc: Denver, CO

our hot whip for 1,025 miles


moab, was 116 degrees

hanging out between stages

Edited by nato2377 (07/02/13 11:32 PM)
#7158321 - 07/03/13 10:00 AM
Re: Cyclists that race - training
[Re: nato2377]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 11/01/99
Posts: 40865
Loc: RI
Quite a scenic, beautiful place to suffer. Awesome.
___________________________________ gamby still have an EM1--go figure
#7158376 - 07/03/13 10:25 AM
Re: Cyclists that race - training
[Re: nato2377]
Post Master Sr
Registered: 07/09/07
Posts: 3496
Loc: Denver, CO
look how messed up my front wheel is lol
#7159118 - 07/03/13 05:19 PM
Re: Cyclists that race - training
[Re: nato2377]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 11/01/99
Posts: 40865
Loc: RI
I wonder if these flyweight 29'er wheels are more prone to bending than the oldskool 26'ers. 
Looks pricey. 
I did a hot, windy, humid 34.86 miles in 2:12:39 today. Rear tire was way more worn than I thought, hit some shells (along a beach) and away it went. The repair held for the rest of the ride.
My TT season begins Tuesday now that night classes are done--weather permitting.
___________________________________ gamby still have an EM1--go figure
#7159364 - 07/03/13 07:57 PM
Re: Cyclists that race - training
[Re: gamby]
Sir Ironpool
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#7159560 - 07/03/13 11:27 PM
Re: Cyclists that race - training
[Re: Sir Ironpool]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 11/01/99
Posts: 40865
Loc: RI
My "main" bike has sat since the MS150. I haven't even removed the number from it. Nice film of Hammer Heed all over the downtube. Been riding my steelie Trek instead. (granted, a 2 week layup doesn't equal a one year layup).
I have to do a bunch of bike upkeep in the near future.
___________________________________ gamby still have an EM1--go figure
#7166393 - 07/08/13 06:36 PM
Re: Cyclists that race - training
[Re: shamrok]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 11/01/99
Posts: 40865
Loc: RI
Finally done with school, ready for the first Tues night TT and they're predicting thunderstorms for much of the afternoon. Dammit.
___________________________________ gamby still have an EM1--go figure
#7173702 - 07/11/13 08:58 PM
Re: Cyclists that race - training
[Re: shamrok]
Post Master Sr
Registered: 02/22/10
Posts: 7284
Anyone ever dealt with chronic sports related injuries? I really aggravated my lower back a few years ago when I was heavy into road cycling, saw a doctor at some point, they said it should fix itself but it never did. Really bad spasms on the lower left side, that when I really pushed the pedals would aggravate into sciatica.
I'm getting off my ass now and going to find a specialist to see about it, trying to figure out if I should see an orthopedic or a chiropractor.
#7174267 - 07/12/13 09:06 AM
Re: Cyclists that race - training
[Re: bt0]
The Mighty BellRacer
Daps up men at the gym
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 05/03/00
Posts: 26764
Loc: DFW
Anyone ever dealt with chronic sports related injuries? I really aggravated my lower back a few years ago when I was heavy into road cycling, saw a doctor at some point, they said it should fix itself but it never did. Really bad spasms on the lower left side, that when I really pushed the pedals would aggravate into sciatica.
I'm getting off my ass now and going to find a specialist to see about it, trying to figure out if I should see an orthopedic or a chiropractor.
see a neurologist or spinal surgeon. that's what i did, and got into physical therapy as a result. no issues today, though it was a rough road for 2 years until i got it worked out.
#7175063 - 07/12/13 02:37 PM
Re: Cyclists that race - training
[Re: bt0]
Sr Member
Registered: 03/25/02
Posts: 1177
Loc: NY
were you fit properly on your roadbike?
Edited by civic00sedan (07/12/13 02:37 PM)
#7175166 - 07/12/13 03:24 PM
Re: Cyclists that race - training
[Re: civic00sedan]
Post Master Sr
Registered: 02/22/10
Posts: 7284
I wasn't at first, I tried doing it on my own which was a mistake. Once the pain started I got a proper fit, but by that point the continued efforts/training just aggravated the problem.
I'm going to try an orthopedic surgery clinic near me, it looks like they have a few physicians who specialize in sports injuries
#7175697 - 07/12/13 09:42 PM
Re: Cyclists that race - training
[Re: bt0]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 11/01/99
Posts: 40865
Loc: RI
New PR for my 18 mile loop. I've never been able to crack the 18mph average barrier. Finally did it:
Hopefully this is a good omen for Tuesday's TT.
Point of interest--I did this on my "lighter" bike (19.5lbs) vs. my Trek steelie (~25lbs). I think the weight difference might have played into it a bit, but the weather conditions were really good--a slight headwind that I was able to plow through that turned into slight tailwind that kept me flying on the return.
___________________________________ gamby still have an EM1--go figure
#7176492 - 07/13/13 05:03 PM
Re: Cyclists that race - training
[Re: nato2377]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 11/01/99
Posts: 40865
Loc: RI
God damn--some people were just born fast. Dat Shit Cray.
Granted, if it were flat with that aforementioned tailwind, holding 20mph wouldn't be that herculean for me.
Today's ride got rained out. I should have gone out earlier but I dilly dalied. VERY curious to see what Tuesday brings. Gonna be hot and humid, though.
___________________________________ gamby still have an EM1--go figure
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