#5046134 - 09/20/10 03:06 PM
Re: Running/Cardio Thread
[Re: Silock]
Post Master Sr
Registered: 11/06/03
Posts: 7351
Loc: Boardman, Ohio
Congrats slowpoke! I have the same workout shirt! LOL.
#5058499 - 09/25/10 11:41 AM
Re: Running/Cardio Thread
[Re: CStyles45]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 07/10/08
Posts: 19073
Loc: Here
First cyclocross race today. Didn't expect to win or place and was happy with my mid-pack position about halfway through the race. However, I knocked my saddle a little loose while mounting the bike during the first lap, and managed to knock it clean off mounting again near the end of the second lap. Didn't have a multi-tool on me and only a four lap race, so too a did not finish in my first race. 
This was just a tune-up/practice race for me. The series of races I'm interested really performing well in starts 10/6 so 1) more practice mounting the bike on the run, 2) check my saddle and seatpost tightness before I start the race, and 3) toss a multi-tool in my jersey so I can pit, repair and get back on course next time I have a mechanical.
#5066321 - 09/28/10 04:23 PM
Re: Running/Cardio Thread
[Re: Cheesegoggles]
whoohooo!!! just ran my fastest 5k of this training session - 25:36! that's fast for me. and a good confidence booster leading into this weekend's race.
oh, and it was raining like a motherfucker out there.
#5067715 - 09/29/10 07:30 AM
Re: Running/Cardio Thread
[Re: ]
Post Master
Registered: 12/19/02
Posts: 2357
Loc: St Louis, Mo
What race do you have?
Went out for a 3 mile run last night to get back in the flow, finished at 22.10. Felt pretty good afterwards. Left calf seems ok.
#5068017 - 09/29/10 10:02 AM
Re: Running/Cardio Thread
[Re: ChittyChittyGangBang]
Portland, ME half marathon on Sunday, then a local 5 miler in mid-october, then another half in New Hampshire on Nov. 14th, then a 5k turkey tune-up the Sunday before t-day, then a 2.8mile run on t-day morning.
I just gotta find some December and January races to round out the year...
#5070643 - 09/30/10 08:12 AM
Re: Running/Cardio Thread
[Re: Cheesegoggles]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 06/20/03
Posts: 35382
Loc: MD
5 mile run with the wife last night. I do not run as well after work as I do in the morning. When I was losing weight hardcore at the beginning of the year, I was up by 5:30 every morning to ride my bike on the trainer or run. I've gotten out of that habit and really need to get myself back into it.
me too. before i moved in with my fiancee, i was usually up and out of the house around 3.30-4.30am out running 5+ miles
now that i moved in w her...that shit stopped
already logged in 10miles this week with another 15(hopefully) to go before sunday
BigAl: there is a huge difference between working out to be healthy, and ingesting 10 protein shakes a day, creatine, roids, etc. JoeyBalls: Yup. That's why I said I workout to look good. If i wanted to be healthy. I'd swim.
..you can NEVER out train a bad diet -- FitExcellence
#5072473 - 09/30/10 08:03 PM
Re: Running/Cardio Thread
[Re: ]
whoohooo!!! just ran my fastest 5k of this training session - 25:36! that's fast for me. and a good confidence booster leading into this weekend's race.
oh, and it was raining like a motherfucker out there.
whoohoo again!! Just ran another 5k tonight and bested my previous best time by 32 seconds!! And I negative split the whole thing - 8:14, 8:10, 7:54. AND!!! first time running a sub-8 mile and it was on the last mile!!
can't wait for the half on Sunday.
#5073119 - 10/01/10 06:48 AM
Re: Running/Cardio Thread
[Re: Silock]
well fuck you sideways you fast fucking asshole
way to kick me when i'm feeling good about myself.
#5073137 - 10/01/10 07:14 AM
Re: Running/Cardio Thread
[Re: ]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 07/10/08
Posts: 19073
Loc: Here
LOL at 8.5 min/mile "rest pace" with no inhaler.
Fuck you.
#5073187 - 10/01/10 07:56 AM
Re: Running/Cardio Thread
[Re: Silock]
Post Master
Registered: 12/19/02
Posts: 2357
Loc: St Louis, Mo
And you've got the incline set to 10% too huh....
#5073983 - 10/01/10 01:07 PM
Re: Running/Cardio Thread
[Re: Silock]
how old are you?
...wait... don't tell me. I'll probably feel like even more of a fat, slow jerk.
#5074829 - 10/01/10 06:17 PM
Re: Running/Cardio Thread
[Re: Silock]
Post Master
Registered: 12/19/02
Posts: 2357
Loc: St Louis, Mo
Just finished 5 miles in 38.30, got small blisters on both feet.... FUUUUUUUUUUUUU
#5081101 - 10/05/10 07:15 AM
Re: Running/Cardio Thread
[Re: ChittyChittyGangBang]
Post Master
Registered: 12/19/02
Posts: 2357
Loc: St Louis, Mo
Went out and had a easy pace run, did 4 mile in 32 mins. Weather was perfect....
#5081115 - 10/05/10 07:23 AM
Re: Running/Cardio Thread
[Re: ChittyChittyGangBang]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 07/10/08
Posts: 19073
Loc: Here
I got dressed to run, opened the door about 6 am, got a chill and said "fuck no." Probably would have been fine, but just seemed colder than I was mentally prepared for. I guess I'll run after work.
I better get used to it because its just going to get worse.
#5081656 - 10/05/10 11:31 AM
Re: Running/Cardio Thread
[Re: Cheesegoggles]
Jacqueline Star
Registered: 10/05/10
Posts: 3
what's more efficient, running on a treadmill or running in the park? I don't feel like running on a treadmill does anything for me at all.
I thought about running in the park, but my excuse is that I work 8-5.... so I won't be able to run until like 6:00 pm and I have to sleep around 10pm. So my excuse is that I can't work out at night because then I will be too "pumped up" to fall asleep. Do you guys that run a lot actually work f/t?
I always see people running in the park here and when I see them I think to myself that they must not have f/t jobs... Cause how can you work 8 hours a day, commute home and then still have energy and time to run? and then eat dinner? There's just no time.
#5081880 - 10/05/10 12:31 PM
Re: Running/Cardio Thread
[Re: Cheesegoggles]
I get up at 6ish, get to work by 730/8ish, leave work at 430, get home no later than 530, eat dinner with the family, play with the kids, read stories and put them to bed by 8pm.
then I go for my run.
you can make time.
#5086537 - 10/06/10 07:28 PM
Re: Running/Cardio Thread
[Re: Sir Ironpool]
Post Master
Registered: 12/19/02
Posts: 2357
Loc: St Louis, Mo
Did another 3 miles today in 22.30. Sucking wind..... need to work on breathing.
#5092177 - 10/08/10 07:17 PM
Re: Running/Cardio Thread
[Re: Sir Ironpool]
Post Master
Registered: 12/19/02
Posts: 2357
Loc: St Louis, Mo
Tried to get a run in but the body wasnt having it. Managed to squeeze out 1.25 miles in 8.39. Average of 6.54 a mile.
Hopefully Sunday is better.
#5092919 - 10/09/10 02:02 PM
Re: Running/Cardio Thread
[Re: ChittyChittyGangBang]
Post Master Supreme
Registered: 07/10/08
Posts: 19073
Loc: Here
Cyclocross race this morning. Two weeks ago I was disappointed that I had a mechanical take me out of the race early. Today, near the end, I was praying for a mechanical - my legs were toast.
45 minutes of drilling it on the bike, in and out of technical corners, a couple of barriers to jump over on foot, and a long stretch of pavement on the back end to sprint after the guy in front of you. Exceedingly painful, but definitely fun.
My dismount needs some work though:
Moderator: Silock, Professor Paki
[ TexasSI]
Kinda wanna go see Eric Prydz in Austin on Sat. Am i too old lol?
[ Rex B16]
[ Rex B16]
everybody put down your glasses
[ TexasSI]
Hit the one in the middle, no?
[ BobBarker]
[ Rex B16]
do we still have gay mods?
[ BobBarker]
Pepsi Cola in a Coca Cola glass. I don’t give a damn.
[ Rex B16]
they’ll keep your place spic and span
[ BobBarker]
they will definitely leave a nice polish on the ole cane
[ DWalk]
The D-A-double D-Y-M-A-C