#228247 - 06/20/06 08:34 AM
Re: project Teal (w/ lots of pics)
Post Master
Registered: 09/12/02
Posts: 2492
Loc: Ohio
Si adam- there's a place up here that I bought the fenders from, the rocker panels I could not find so I bent some up from flat pieces of sheet metal.
Bryce- Yeah the other side is the same only exception is that there is the gas door opening which means some extra cutting around and less access from the inside. The rocker panels are just as rotted too on that side.
Mark- I wouldnt ask any friend to help with body work, this shit sucks! I'll give you a call when I am doing something fun like putting the motor back in though! But that might be a while so I gotta see your turbo monster sometime soon...
#228249 - 07/28/06 12:27 PM
Re: project Teal update
Post Master
Registered: 09/12/02
Posts: 2492
Loc: Ohio
Update: heavy body work is close to done, almost time to sand & fill
pics of the progress (in order):
pass side rocker was swiss cheese dammit
nice pile of rust in my car
the carcass
oh thats shitty
almost as shitty as drilling out spot welds
I'll get back to this in a bit...
coated w/ rust inhibitor
making rocker panels doesn't rock, I folded this one backwards & had to re-bend it lol
finished up the pass side...
fits good
back to that rust hole problem....
painted w/ etching primer, tack welded, sealed edges in front & back
rear quarter and rocker panel in
it's starting to look like a shell again
back from Michael's
leaving it wrapped up untill the body is done... gonna wait till it is in to put the top end on so I won't have to lift the car up so high again to put it in through the bottom.
that's all for now, I'm seeing it done in Aug sometime I hope.
Thing that sucks is plates expire aug 3 and it has to pass echeck before I can get new tags. Still gotta get some miles on the new motor before I take it to the echeck bastards... gonna be putting some miles on w/ expired tags I guess
After that turbo is going on and getting it tuned
Edited by teal_dx (07/28/06 12:28 PM)
#228252 - 09/29/06 02:21 PM
Re: project Teal update
Post Master
Registered: 09/12/02
Posts: 2492
Loc: Ohio
havn't been keeping up on the pics lately... Body work is almost complete. older pic from when I first started to smooth the bay
new location of the coolant overflow
new location for the battery
took this opportunity to roll the rear lip, gained about an extra inch of clearance
took notes of all the dents (there was plenty )
Drilled the holed in the new rocker panels for the side skirt clips to go in.
the clips are square.... to that means I had to file each hole into a big square. Don't have any pics of the skirts mointed, but they went on and fit better than I expected.
after pricng paint, the teal_dx is no longer going to be teal (teal ain't cheap!) Body work is almost complete, paint pics will be here soon! That's it for now...
#228254 - 09/29/06 07:50 PM
Re: project Teal update
Major Member
Registered: 10/22/00
Posts: 1281
Loc: Mentor, Ohio USA
Looks better and better! If you paint it a different color, you'll have to change your screenname!
2010 Mazdaspeed3 "Please, please let the warranty expire soon...I needs a downpipe and some ECU work..."
#228256 - 09/30/06 02:56 AM
Re: project Teal update
Post Master Sr
Registered: 05/23/02
Posts: 3559
Loc: Mentor, OH
not gonna be teal?!? mikey is gonna be pissed. lol
02 VW Jetta GLS - 95 Honda Accord - 69 Buick Riviera 430 CID
#891899 - 01/09/07 01:51 PM
Re: project Teal update
[Re: SiWheelman]
Post Master
Registered: 09/12/02
Posts: 2492
Loc: Ohio
I had to go back a few pages to find this, no update in 3 months! The weather, work, & holidays slowed me down a bit.
some motor pics:
xtd 6-puck stage 3 clutch + 8lb flywheel
motor going back together
painted the front graphite to keep it looking nice and clean
OEM headgasket FTW
cleaned up the head. stock valves, runners & combustion chambers have been smoothed.
back together
#891971 - 01/09/07 02:04 PM
Re: project Teal update
[Re: teal_dx]
Post Master
Registered: 09/12/02
Posts: 2492
Loc: Ohio
Next is the engine bay: last time I posted it looked like this:
then it needed smoothed...  
relocated some crap: coolant overflow & battery tray then there wan LOTS of sanding...
and primer...
and paint!
Yep teal is no more... I went with my first instinct (green) when I saw how much oem paint would have hurt the wallet. So now I have to do door jambs, but no biggie. The heat lamp makes the green look more yellowish than it actually is.
more shaved bay pics:
all is left for the bay is the motor + radiator install everything else is relocated or in the junk pile.
#892014 - 01/09/07 02:12 PM
Re: project Teal update
[Re: teal_dx]
Post Master
Registered: 09/12/02
Posts: 2492
Loc: Ohio
the brake proportioning valve is on the other side of the firewall
The wiring in the engine bay has all been tucked, next is to tuck the engine harness... first I labeled it all since I'm paranoid I would screw this up somehow...
step 2: start ripping stuff apart I ruined some poor japanese guy's hard work... shit made my fingers black + sticky The stock harness splits into the back corners of the bay, the new one will have all connectors to the main harness meet in the middle and enter thru the enlarged hole where the heater core hoses used to be. Next I am going to be cutting/soldering. chill... till the next episode
#892648 - 01/09/07 04:11 PM
Re: project Teal update
[Re: teal_dx]
You fucking rock. I really hope I get to see this car at a meet in the future.
#893162 - 01/09/07 06:56 PM
Re: project Teal update
[Re: underESTIMATED]
You fucking rock. I really hope I get to see this car at a meet in the future. Brian doesn't bring his Honda, to any Honda meets.
True. I remember him bringing the Mustang out back in '04. I'd still like the see the handy work in person.
#893591 - 01/09/07 08:42 PM
Re: project Teal update
[Re: ]
Post Master
Registered: 09/12/02
Posts: 2492
Loc: Ohio
Yeah, I brought the ford cause I never had a worthy honda. The ford will probably collect some dust when I finish the civic! I don't see why it shouldn't be done before this year's CSi meet (I was hoping to get it done by last year's meet lol)
#893723 - 01/09/07 09:18 PM
Re: project Teal update
[Re: teal_dx]
YES! Can I be your apprentice?
#894913 - 01/10/07 07:30 AM
Re: project Teal update
[Re: SiWheelman]
Major Member
Registered: 10/22/00
Posts: 1281
Loc: Mentor, Ohio USA
Looks incredible man, can't wait to see the whole car painted that color. When you get done I'll have to have you come help me get my Integra back together haha.
2010 Mazdaspeed3 "Please, please let the warranty expire soon...I needs a downpipe and some ECU work..."
#1554411 - 06/18/07 11:25 AM
Re: project Teal update
[Re: slackereg6]
Post Master
Registered: 09/12/02
Posts: 2492
Loc: Ohio
it's been a long ass time! The car is done (enough) and I just started putting miles on it. There were a few bumps in the road, but once I got it running right it passed E-check no prob
I left off with the engine harness being made and the bay just painted.
I have 1000+ pics I've taken so I'll try to make this the cliff notes...
the harness all done & wrapped up.
motor back in & bolted up.
stock horn sucks
 Interior was a fucking mess, these pics are taken AFTER I organized everything. (That's your MSD coil Bryce!)
everything done in the bay
exterior: did the $50 roller job on the roof - I am going to go back and do a few more light coats before I buff it. Right now it's a dull black.
some stuff painted
one of many guide coats. I decided that I no longer like body work!
Tail Gate I bought from Vader Si
I was painting w/ shorts on and wearing shoes...
putting it all together...
painted the old shoes black
here it is:
It has about 55 miles on the new motor so far and everything's sounding great.
It was running like shit and I went through the whole replace everything phase untill I was running out of things to replace. It would start fine, then it kept putting black soot all over the plugs and running like shit until it got warm and stalled. If I even blipped the gas it would die too. I tried different plugs, wires, distributor w/o external coil, the FPR was set at 42 psi, tried different grounds, even a bigger battery. The P28 I bought from someone on ohiohondas was an auto, not manual like they said, so I converted that and the CEL 19 was gone. Other than that it was not giving me any CEL's which made it a bitch to diagnose the problem.
The problem ended up being the throttle body! The 92's use a TB with the MAP remotely mounted to the firewall. I had relocated it to the inside, so I moved it back closer to the engine with no results. But when I started the car with the MAP unplugged it ran fine (with a CEL) I ended up using a newer throttle body that had the MAP mounted to the throttle body itself, and didn't have the ugly nut sack coolant thingy on the bottom. That cured it! My only guess is the 93-95 P28's aren't compatible with the 92 throttle body & MAP sensor arrangement. It was still running shitty, after adjusting the idle screw it was better.
Next, the car was getting too hot, For the first time, the car idled long enough to bring the temp gauge to 2/3 Hot so I shut it off and let it cool.
I boiled the thermostat in a pan and it was good. So I replaced the Thermostat temperature switch (since the car was running crappy when warm, I figured maybe it had something to do with it), and then bled the air from the cooling system. Started it up, turned the idle screw a litle further out, and it idles and runs perfect!
There was an incident during the initial test drive... The car was hard to push by hand, I figured the rotors were just caked with rust from sitting for 18 months. So I went to drive it around the block and the brakes sounded like a train, so I figured they were just really rusty. Instead, the brake pedal got stif and the brakes were applied constantly. To the point where if I let off the gas, the car would stop! So I turned in a gravel driveway to turn around. Backing out it stalled and I couldn't get it moving again. Brakes were locked up. Finally I had to rev the hell out of the brand new clutch (XTD 6 puck) and after like 10 tries I backed out of the driveway. I had to limp it home in first gear at 15 mph lol. If I shifted into second, there wasn't enough power to pull the car with the brakes clamping so hard. I got home and the pads were smoking and all 4 corners were stuck. I found a way to loosen the brake stop switch to give the pedal an extra 1/4" of movement out and everything was fine after that. Most of the noise ended up being the splash guards rubbing.
There's still a list of things to do... Wetsand Paint the interior gauges alignment finish painting roof replace cracked windshield put a radio in (silence sucks after a while) make a plate to put over the hole where the AT shifter cable was. Then..... I should have 500+ miles = Turbo Time I owe everybody thanks for following the project from the start. Especially Bryce (tgbastau) - he just GAVE me a D16z6 w/ Si tranny. It was knocking, but just what I needed to convince me to build a turbo motor. If I didn't get that motor, I'd still be rocking the D15 mini-me forever. Dave (underESTIMATED) - thanks for your Morocars Discount on all the OEM Honda parts. (Damn, you still worked at Motorcars back then... That's how long this project has taken lol) Shane (VaderSi) - Thanks for the deal on the tail gate.
That's the cliff notes!
For the full story & write-ups w/ pics, check out http://civic-eg.com (shamless plug ) I started the site last year when I was building the car from a bare shell. Everything I did was documented to create a technical site strictly for the 92-95 civic. (9 months later, there are 600 members!) I'll finally be bringing my civic to CSi meets instead of the Mustang
Edited by teal_dx (06/18/07 11:28 AM)
#1557850 - 06/18/07 11:13 PM
Re: project Teal update
[Re: Stryker124]
Post Master
Registered: 09/12/02
Posts: 2492
Loc: Ohio
I need to get them balanced and take my car in for an alignment. Then the HX's will be on!
so hopefully within the next week.
#1594937 - 06/29/07 08:54 PM
Re: project Teal update
[Re: teal_dx]
Post Master Sr
Registered: 09/16/02
Posts: 4283
Loc: Akron, Oh
I owe everybody thanks for following the project from the start. Especially Bryce (tgbastau) - he just GAVE me a D16z6 w/ Si tranny. It was knocking, but just what I needed to convince me to build a turbo motor. If I didn't get that motor, I'd still be rocking the D15 mini-me forever. Dave (underESTIMATED) - thanks for your Morocars Discount on all the OEM Honda parts. (Damn, you still worked at Motorcars back then... That's how long this project has taken lol)Shane (VaderSi) - Thanks for the deal on the tail gate. That's the cliff notes! For the full story & write-ups w/ pics, check out http://civic-eg.com (shamless plug  ) I started the site last year when I was building the car from a bare shell. Everything I did was documented to create a technical site strictly for the 92-95 civic. (9 months later, there are 600 members!) I'll finally be bringing my civic to CSi meets instead of the Mustang
That was definately some time ago. Almost 1 1/2 years ago. Damn!!!
Glad to finally see it in person, like Csaba posted...congratulations on a job well respectable, and done.
#1600333 - 07/02/07 09:36 AM
Re: project Teal update
[Re: underESTIMATED]
Post Master
Registered: 09/12/02
Posts: 2492
Loc: Ohio
I lowered it a bit more, and put some OEM mudflaps on. I drove it 200+ miles this weekend, I'm probably going to hit 500 miles this week. Time to start rounding up all the turbo stuff. The last thing I need to buy is some aluminum IC piping... anyone know where I can find a good deal? Thinking about buying one of the ebay kits...
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